Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas's Eve:
Knocked off at almost 3pm!!! Could you imagined the rest packed up and dashed out as soon as the clock ticked at 12pm, but poor little me stilled had to work overtime to rush out the Recruitment Report... Anyway lucky stilled got Kat company. Quite glad ed that I've received quite a couples of gifts from my fellow colleagues, includes: Ah kat, Ms pms, e creamy ms choc cakes and ah Hoon.
Rushed home and helped my mum to handle the turkey ham. I can tell you that the ham was double the size of a soccer ball man. Is damned huge until it's can't even squeezed into my oven, in the end, we took the marinated ham to my aunt place and baked. Stupid right!!! lolx...
Had a simple gathering at uncle andy place, left at 10plus, and rushed down to Suntec to meet up Kelv they all and after which we went to Clarke Quay to countdown for Xmas... I tell you, the peoples there are insaned... And Thanks to a called from Zhu WaWa, ended up sprayed by a strangers. Really knn lo... Anyway we settled down at a pub till dawn... Is Really exhausted!!!
Went to met up with Zhu WaWa, and all my trombone's mates: Andy, Dorothy, Yin Hui, Vanessa fpr a Christmas Dinner at New York New York. As usual, once all the trombonists met up, it really turned into a marketplace. lolx... As usual, we gossips, chatted and complaining alots, until the restaurants also cant stand us and automatically sent us the bills. lolx... Anyway really had a heartfelt conversations with them.
After which i rushed down to my dad's place and to have another round of celebration. Drank alots of liquors and made a fool of myself.. lolx...
That's about it!!! 2 very happening Christmas's celebration for me, but i have fun:)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
After the fitness session, went straight down to Marina Square and met up with zhu ma. And so just happened we walked pass Club Marc and in the end, i pampered myself with a berms that's costed half the original price. Definitely worth it man. lolx... Thanks to zhu ma la, forced me to go in.. oOpz... So we shopped and shopped and shopped until around 7pm where zhu ma needed to go off to support Edna's concert. Lucky i gave a passed. lolx...
After that, i met up with z.h for dinner. Don't know how come he's seemed in a very good mood, good mood until ordered so much foods. Anyway just makan whatever we could and really loaded myself till about to explode man. lolx...
Oh man!!! tomorrow must go back to the war zone, must really adjust my mind le... Anyway, holiday mood still wondering around me cause tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
Wishing all my friends a very Happy Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! May we have a Prosperous 2009!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm the limelight!!!

Look at yilidan!!!

All camera different angle leix!!!
Here are the best shot for that day!!! I tell you, can publish in Magazine le... lolx...


Look abit like Ah Kiatz!!!
Is she sexy!!!
Hahax... That's about it.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Today managed to meet up with some of the ASAs and bandmates(Including: yilidan, winnie, annie, zhuwawa, xinyu and huishan) to hold a belated birthday celebration for Jiayin. Althought there were some miscommunication, but in the end we're still settled it down in one of the restaurant @ Paragon. The Spaggaddies!!! I must said that the food there was just really so-so only, although i'm wondering how come there's alots of victims queueing up outside??? Hmm... Am i too fussy or what... lolx.. And what really disappointed me was that Tiramisu. "Appearance look nice but taste sux".. Hard to comment man, only huishan n myself could understand it. lolx... Anyway after having dinner, we just shop around Orchard, to indulgence ourselves into the Christmas Season. Took alots of photographs, made alots of nonsense and a fool out of ourselves... But who care right... lolx.. And lastly, hope Jiayin likes (although you have no choice) our presents and make sure you wear it... lolx...
Anyway really enjoyed it although it's a short celebration. But never mind, i'm looking forward for the upcoming Christmas Celebration. Make sure we really make a fool out of ourselves on that day.
As for this week, I'll be having a nice and long holiday as i thrown all my leaves during this two weeks. Smart right... lolx... Hopefully i can have a peaceful and yet enjoyable holiday. Rest for sure, i might switch off my handphone. So Chief Clerk, give me a good break, k... lolx...
p.s: A very Thank you to yilidan and winnie:) you guy did a great job...(i seldom praise people horx...)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
After our dinner, we went straight to Marina Square and i saw Club Marc. Without hesitaton, went in to see see look look la... Haix, in e end really cant control sia. Bought myself a t-shirt and a berms. Actually what i wanted to buy is that "contractor Cap" that's Justin recommended me to buy, but i "catwalk" for a few rounds, didnt see that cap leix... Maybe not fated la... lolx..
SoOoO we shopped around and headed toward Suntec. We left to Jurong at around 11pm. Basically that my programme for today. Arghhh.... Just came back from my usual family gathering, really beat man... hahax... But at least today i had a very fruitful conversation with Uncle Andy. lolx.. Dont worry. i will keep my promise, but you should know what to do horx...:)
Monday, December 8, 2008
5th Dec 08:
yeahx... today was our branch's cohesion outing that were organised by our beloved Mr Bunny aka Jonathan and Val. Hmm... Basically, and expected, we'd a very busy morning. Everyone rushed their worked like hell. As for me, think don't need to mention le... still buried with works. Haix... how i wished my i have an understudy for myself to help me out. hahax... Anyway i started to use to it le... What to do right:) Back to the cohesion, we started to set off behind time, around 1plus. Our 1st destination was lunch out @ a Thai Restaurant that located at Yishun. I must tell you i really enjoyed those delicacies... SoOoO shiok... Spicy!!! Sourish!!! hahax... What importance was that it was reasonably cheap.
Hmm... After the lunch, we headed to Minds Cafe, that located at Purvis St, directly opposite Bugis. It was really crowded and irritating, due to all the students screaming and shouting like nobody business. And what more shity was that, IT WAS DAMNED PATHETIC SMALL.... Aiyoyox... in e end we managed to find a table. Anyway, we played a total of 4 board games with those aunties... lolx... surprisingly, they are beyond hopes... hahax... Some of us were nearly doze off during the midst of the games. Seriously, some of the games was really too mind torturing lo... Anyway we rotted for 4hrs and lucky Taboo wrapped up the whole activities. At least finally got a game that I'm really enjoyed it.
After the torturing games, we headed to Royal's Hotel for a Steamboat Buffet dinner, which was strongly recommended by our ms choc cake. The room was quite small but at the same time is quite cosy. The only problems was the service. Really must improved... lolx... We tucked in once the clocked ticked @ 630pm... The steamboat comprises of 2 soups base. One is the Spicy soup, and the others was the chicken soup, i supposed although its tasted abit tasteless. lolx... Eat and chat, eat n chat until all of us surrendered at 8pm. Then on that very moment, one of the staff announced that the Pekin Duck was out. Really stupid lo... i don't understand how come they only served the duck at 8pm, when all of us already choked our food till explode. And some more they only provided 1 duck for that day. Really no comment... lolx... anyway finished our dinner around 8plus, took a group photo and byebye to everyone.
6th Dec 08:
Woke up in the morning, went shopping with my Sis to look for my Bros girlfriend birthday present. Hmm... really find it quite tedious such that the girlfriend of my bro was quite a fussy little princess. She is hard to please, and we really must buy something that she's like, if not she will show you her "famous face"... lolx.. anyway i really hack care and only my sis do somehow bother with her. We managed to buy her a necklace, and hopefully she LIKE it... hahax... In the afternoon, i met up with Anthony and my bro as well for a dinner at Orchard. We decided to settle it at the Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe at Cine Leisure. I ordered my all time favourite Ice Macao Coffee and my French toast with Peanut Butter... yummy... After the dinner, went to shop around and i headed to Jurong.
7th Dec 08:
Today is Debbie's 21st Birthday. She holds a buffet dinner @ her place and she invited all of us to her big day. My brother woke up damned early and meeting her up to decorate for her birthday party. Really pity my Bro sia... Anyway it was very crowded and cramped, managed to grab some bites and really enjoying the ice cream cake from swensen... lolx... we departed at around 10pm... After which i headed to Compass Point to have a gossip session with Kieth they all...
All right, that's my weekend... hmm... tomorrow going to have a dim sum feast, that's is sponsored by Anthony... hahax... Really looking forward for that... lolx...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Anyway, back to the office... omg!!! tons n tons of work queueing up and saying harlox to me. shag!!! What really pissed me off was that our beloved Mdm "Choco Cake", she keep throwing "choco chips" to us. Really buay tahan, i tell you. Even ah yao also cant stand it man. All she did was answering phone, which was her fortel, walked in n out, as if she's the next singapore next top model, kept digging n digging those "tea leaves" that peoples had buried for a long time. What worst was that all the works are done by us, but in the end she took the credit. what knd of world is that!!! Really cant understand, since the SAF is cutting down manpowers, come on!!! There's one person for you to execute. What are you waiting for!!! lolx...
SoOoOo everyone was busy with the invitation cards for the upcoming anniversary dinner that will be host in R.C hotel. As usual, we must pay $32, if i not wrong for that night. How i wish i could escape man. Still needs to shop for clothes. lolx... Anyway we worked until around 8pm and took a ride from Mdm "Choco Cake".
Never mind!!! 2 more days towards weekend. Lots of programme are waiting for me!!! time for my shower le....:)
Monday, December 1, 2008
28th Nov 08:

Do we looked more charming without some1... lolx...

Annie n Mi... Gottcha!!!

Our Gift to the Birthday Gal...
Thanks to WINNIE for inventing this "hot little pose"
Speechless!!! But "cute" ritex... lolx...
Hopefully Annie enjoyed this short but sweet celebration and as well as the present. Happy Birthday:)
30th Nov 08:
Today was my parent Anniversary Day. Like usual, don't know why, we the children's kana dragged into their celebration. Although they kept telling us " If don't have us, where do you think you'll be"... I've been hearing this for don't know how many umpteen years. lolx.. Anyway, we went for a BBQ Seafood Feast @ East Coast Park. Damned craze about their salmon... SoOoO we ordered plenty of seafoods except crab due to laziness for hand wash:)... After the makan, we headed to Parkway Parade for Shopping!!! As usual, my mum will definitely pestered me for a present. As if I'm her hubby like that. Come on!!! is your Anniversary not mine!!! haix.. in the end, bought her a pair of shoes from Charles and Keith. No wondered she smiled as if she strives 4D like that...:) After all the "dancing" around the mall, we headed to Starbuck and I've grabbed myself a cup of Dark Cherry Mocha, a new item catering just for this festive season. Hmm... It's taste super sweet and rich as it's contains lots of choco rices. For those who loves choco, you definitely must try, although the cost is abit steep:)
Haix.. That's about it. Hopefully can meet up again man... ASA right!!! Time to take a good rest as tomorrow i have NIGHT DUTY...... aiyoyox... but nvm... Just duties only what... hahax...