Ohx... today waking up at 10am. As usual, many missed call and msg but lucky i slept till like nobody business like that, uninterrupted sleep. Anyway went for a quick 1hr jog, and after which met up with Jason group for a very early dinner. Had a very heartfell conversation regarding our Ns life. Come on, my life was not the worst, there are some even worst x worst... lolx...
On my way home, i am wondering, do money really can affect a human relationship. Hmm... yeahx!!! why not, maybe to a certain extent. Yaz, I must declared that which human being will open their eyes big enough to say no to money, right!!! But for me, what's importance is that we must learnt to be contented. Monetary wise is not as importance as our family and friends. Let's think, at the end of the day, even though you've lots and lots of money, but, are you happy??? This is a big question mark to all of us. Do not let monetary replace kinship, if not, you might regret it.
Aiyox, too emo le right!!! lolx.. Anyway, Here are some photos which took on Jiayin's Birthday Celebration:

I'm the limelight!!!

Look at yilidan!!!

All camera different angle leix!!!
Here are the best shot for that day!!! I tell you, can publish in Magazine le... lolx...


Look abit like Ah Kiatz!!!
Is she sexy!!!
Hahax... That's about it.
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