We've decided to hold an advance Mothers' Day Celebration for our beloved Ah Ma, therefore, my aunt has decided to have a steamboat dinner at Chin Huat or Zhen Fa Steamboat at Thomson. I must tell you, the standard had dropped tremendously. Although I've being there for a coupled of times but this was worst steamboat that I've ever had. Firstly, all their seafoods were not fresh, secondly, the service was screwed up liked hell, their staffs are seriously in needs some basic customer service course or training man. It was super crowded and cramped n HOT!!! lolx... Luckily is my bro n sis that served me. hahax...
Anyway I've told my mum, I won't probably coming back if I'm craving for steamboat, though their Tom Yam was not bad. lolx... Most importantly, luckily still have Ah Bin to entertain me. Kind of miss his rosy cheek and all his nonsense. Although as usual, he's still FAT man... lolx...

As usual, went down to my Ah Ma's place after the dinner. Although it was not a very fanciful meal, but at least the whole family can gathered together and celebrate for my Ah Ma. What's more importance than making Ah Ma smile right:)
30th Apr:
Went down for my medical appointment at Changi Hospital. Thanks to the swine flu, I've to queue up and took my temperature. How could they made me stand man... hahax... Anyway, was being scheduled to go for X-Ray, but out of my surprised, I was required to take 10 sets of scanning. OMG!!! By that time, I don't know how much cells had dead. lolx...
Afterwhich, waited for about an hour plus before I get to see my doctor. Instead of consulting me, she went straight and scolded me after seeing the x ray. hahax... This was due to my injuries got worsen and she knew that I didn't walk with my crutches. oOpx... Anyway, I was being given another 3 weeks of MC and she had actually warned me, if there's no sign of improvement, she had no choice but to CAST my leg again. Oh No... I tell you, for that moment, i just stared blankly at her. CAST my leg again!!! No way man. lolx... I had enough of this man.
As for now, what I need to do is to pray hard man. lolx... po pi! po pi!:)
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